Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Too Sick for Too Long

I have decided that i am not a fan of cold and flu season. Just when we think we have beat it, it comes back around. But that is no excuse for my lack of posts. So please forgive me. I can't believe that we are celebrating 3 years of Silas this week. He has grown up so much. He even looks like a grown up boy. His face has lost all of it's babiness and he no longer runs or walks like a toddler. And boy does he have an opinion. He's been sick for about 4 days now and we haven't left the house, so last night Jonathan took Padraic out to watch the NCAA championship game at my parents and Silas and I stayed home to play trains and watch the Dodgers. About an hour after Jonathan left he looked at me and said, "Mom, I really want a Father."I tried to explain that Daddy was his father, but he looked at me like I was crazy. Then he said, "Mom, if Dada was my Father then you'd be my Mother and I wouldn't have a Mommy." I gave up and we went back to playing trains.


Anne said...

So sorry to hear he is sick. Praying he will be better in time for Easter and his birthday. Love the monkey plate he has in the first picture! (Amanda LOVES monkeys, and actually has that exact same plate!!)

KBanando said...

Wonder what Silas meant by that statement. Either he was very profound or he thought other kids had two "Dads". -K