Thursday, February 7, 2008

How Time & My Brain Have Flown

If any of you are wondering what my almost two year old is up to these days, the photos above are a great discription. He is quite amazing. Everyday he is picking up more and more words and working them into sentences. I can't believe that it was two years ago that we were bringing him home from the hospital. And now we are about to start all over again with another one. To say that we are excited is an understatement. But terrified would be another word I would use to discribe what I'm feeling as well. It seems that just when I'm in the swing of things and have a routine life finds a way of changing it up for you. Silas can't wait for "baby" to get here. He talkes to my belly and gives it kisses and says "love oo baby!" Every night before he goes to bed. We'll see if he stays this sweet when the baby is here to stay. HAHA!