Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"the nut"

Just thought I'd post a picture of "the nut". This one is a few months old now but still real cute! It's so exciting to see him gettin' all growns up and growns up and growns up!

Check Him Out

Well...it is official. I have succumbed to the pressure of posting a blog for Mr Noodle. I'm sure that he will have something to say about it when he wakes from his nap, but for now you are stuck listening to me. Since his 1st birthday he has been off to the races (literally). He moves more than I thought humanly possible. On Friday May 11th he decided that it was time that he stood up and began to take steps by himself, much to my dismay. And can the boy talk and talk and talk. I'm sure some of you are chuckling right now and thinking how much like his father he is. Yesterday he even said "baseball", well he said something that sounded like baseball, but he was holding his little bat. That is all the interesting info I have to share with you right now. Have a great day!