Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dancin' Yeah!

So this little man is a dancin' machine. Music has become a major part of house for the very purpose of letting this guy dance his heart out. So i hope you enjoy a little entertainment.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Too Sick for Too Long

I have decided that i am not a fan of cold and flu season. Just when we think we have beat it, it comes back around. But that is no excuse for my lack of posts. So please forgive me. I can't believe that we are celebrating 3 years of Silas this week. He has grown up so much. He even looks like a grown up boy. His face has lost all of it's babiness and he no longer runs or walks like a toddler. And boy does he have an opinion. He's been sick for about 4 days now and we haven't left the house, so last night Jonathan took Padraic out to watch the NCAA championship game at my parents and Silas and I stayed home to play trains and watch the Dodgers. About an hour after Jonathan left he looked at me and said, "Mom, I really want a Father."I tried to explain that Daddy was his father, but he looked at me like I was crazy. Then he said, "Mom, if Dada was my Father then you'd be my Mother and I wouldn't have a Mommy." I gave up and we went back to playing trains.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Big Steps

So other than being really sick Silas has been a very busy boy the past week or so. The first big step he made was we removed his booster seat from his chair at the table and he sits on a cushion pushed all the way up to the table.

The biggest step this week was that he moved from a crib to a big boy bed. He's way cute. But I'm not sure how much I like the fact that he can get up and walk around and come in and get us in the morning.

Both boys are also learning how to share a bedroom. 24hrs after we make Silas' bed a big boy bed we moved Padraic into his bedroom so Mommy and Daddy could have a grown up room. It's worked out well for us, but not so great for the boys. Sleep is at a premium for them. Neither wants to sleep if the other is awake and once Padraic wakes up in the morning Silas is up. So cranky is the new black in our house.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


So I had to share this. On Monday afternoon Silas, who had been entertaining himself in his bedroom, came running into the kitchen while I was making dinner yelling, "Mommy, Mommy!" When I asked him what was up he smiled really big at me and said, "Mommy, I can make a taco!" and stuck out his tongue at me. He has been working on this for at least 6 months. His daddy told him to practice in the mirror. Apparently all that practice made perfect.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Arock O-bama, A wedding & More Cutness

So the morning of the inauguration Jonathan started his work day at home so that he could watch. We didn't think Silas would have any interest but when he got out of bed he pulled out his bear and sat down in front of the TV to watch Arock O-bama (as he says it) become our 44th President. It was really cute.

We have all been anticipating Ayam and Lulu's wedding for many weeks now and the big day finally arrived. Silas is usually the life of the party, but at 7pm he looked at Jonathan and I and said "Mommy I ready for bed now." Poor guy. I don't think he had had a nap in like 3 days. But he was there long enough to charm most everyone. As you can see he was dressed to the 9s.

I must say that he is definitely two and definitely aware that he can push my buttons to the limit. Jonathan and I were laughing this morning that there are two people in the world that can push me over the edge, and i live with both of them. All of this to say that he is also the most loving and kind and sensitive little guy I know. Not a day goes by that he doesn't tell me he loves me that I'm his best friend. And he is such a great helper and protector of his little brother. I have to remind myself how lucky I am to have such a considerate little man.

As we sit here watching Mickey's Clubhouse, we send all of you our love.

**Smacks & Squeezes**

Friday, January 9, 2009

Mom Where's Mickey? I Wanna See Mickey!

To make Christmas an extra special event this year we decided to take all of the boys to Disneyland. So on Monday the 29th we packed them all up and took off for Anaheim. They would have been satisfied to stay in the picnic area but we went on into the park for the heck of it. They visited the Tiki Room, Tarzan's Tree House. We rode on Pirates of the Caribbean and Pooh's Corner and we stood in line for ever to see Mickey. (Which by the way I think is way lame...we didn't see a single character walking around the whole time we were there.) And as you can tell from the photo above we were all pooped and ready to go home. it was a pretty amazing day.

Glory To God!

There is nothing like experiencing Christmas with toddler who pick up on everything. We knew this would be a special Christmas 'cause Silas was finally going to understand, at least a little, what was going on. And he didn't disappoint. I made a CD of all of our favorite Christmas songs and when his favorite song came on he would sing at the top of his lungs "Glory to God! Glory to God! Glory to God in the highest!". He helped pick out a Christmas gift for his brother and ripped through every piece of paper he could get his hands on...always remembering to say thank you, of course. We were truly blessed to celebrate through his eyes. Christmas will never be the same again. Thank you to all of you who blessed Silas this Christmas. Hugs to all of you!